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USCF Memberships

We are requiring proof of a current USCF membership for participation in the Gateway Chess League's USCF-rated tournaments. This includes Saturday tournaments run by the Gateway Chess League except when expressly stated otherwise. Proof of current USCF membership is one of the following:

  • Current USCF membership card (or a photocopy)

  • Copy of Chess Life with a current membership label

  • A printout of your current rating page from the USCF. (Follow the "Players & Ratings" link, then "Player/Rating lookup".)

Players without proof of current membership will be required to pay the USCF membership fee ($20 to $25 based on age) in addition to the tournament entry fee, or else they will not be allowed to participate in the tournament.


All coaches please do the following:


Please send a roster of ALL players who might even think about playing in a tournament this year to It doesn't matter if they actually do, and if a person is not on the list, they can still show up tournament day, no problem, no penalty. The reason for the advance list is so all the names can be typed in before tournament day. Here is the information that is needed and the easiest format to send it in:






The USCF ID is very important. If you don't know it, simply go on the USCF web site and look it up. One thing that would be helpful for you is to have a photocopy of all of your players USCF ID cards if they are members.


Along with your roster, please include your school, address, phone number, and fax number for the school, and your home phone number as well. We are putting together a comprehensive database and would like to make it as easy as possible to contact you about chess if necessary.


When your roster has been entered in the master file for the tournaments, a list will be returned to you for verification. At that time, you should correct spelling and other errors and let us know if anyone on the list is at another school or should be dropped from the master file.


Please register in advance for all tournaments, as it allow us to get the tournaments started sooner.

Roster example

Volunteers Needed

Your assistance is appreciated! If anyone can assist with computer entry during registration, it would be most helpful. We would really like four or five people trained to use WinTD to make things run smoother. It would be to your advantage to be trained, because you could then easily use the program to run your own tournaments if you wish. It really is very simple to operate. Please let us know if you are interested in helping and especially if you can put in the time during the first couple of tournaments to assist with registration.


The more the merrier! Please inform us of anyone you think should get this information so we can send it to them. Please send us their name, school, and email address.


Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for those who can help. We're looking forward to a great season.

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